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Cone screw juice machine
Screw Juicer Machine can separate residue and juice. It is continuous running to press Organic material for juice,to press inorganic material for separating residue and juice.This machine is the third generation of screw juice machine,but it is not just thre change and upgrading,it is a completely new design and innovation. It has a loy of advantages,such as the machine is good quality and high capacity; the machine is always working and pressing smoothly;the repire ans maintain fere is low;the mesh would not stuck easily; there is no limited condition for feeding matterial; It’s good performance of separating can compare and beat all the simialr products in the market now.For some kinds od fruit,ther machine’s juice making rate is 85%.It also can make juice from friut with core.Some kinds of material after dewatereing the residue is just remain 20% moisture.It has the magical juice making effect that the other machine can not compete. It would sure brings high economic income from your wast recovery and juice extraction. Its high production capacity allow you to cover the cost in one season.



